This blog is my attempt to share what I know of my family's history from my father's side. I am a Knowles. He was a Knowles, as were the generations before him.
But the Knowles line stops here. My children are all daughters. No other Knowles males in my family have children. There will be no Knowles' in the next generation. Not that this bothers me - it's just a feature of our convention for passing names on.
I began researching my family history years ago, in the mid 1980s, long before the internet made it much easier.
But what's the point in collecting information if you don't share it? That's why I'm blogging, because I want to make what I've found available to others - like you.
Why are your reading this? Because you're a member of my family (whether I know it or not)? Because you're researching your own family's history? Maybe you live in or have connections with some of the places that appear in my history. Or perhaps you're just curious.
The reason really isn't important. What does matter, at least to me, is that you find the information interesting and perhaps even useful.
Whatever your reason for reading this blog, I'd be thrilled to hear from you. Please leave a comment here or connect with me on Google+.
Out of respect for the privacy of my family, this blog begins with my grandparents and from them it goes further into the past. There is virtually no reference to individuals who are still alive. I also maintain a more comprehensive blog, which also cover my maternal ancestry, but access to this is by invitation only - for family members.
I am a professional writer, but this blog is not being reviewed by my proofreader, so I apologise for the typos and grammar errors you may spot here. You won't find these in my professional work.
Andrew Knowles
Weymouth January 2014
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